Why I am a PACE CORE? Because being part of the PACE team changed my life, being in PACE is synonymous of overcoming and growing, not only intelectual but personal, I am in PACE because here i have learned that I'm capable of many thing that I didn't even imagine, and thanks to the support I have received, I have won not only emergency management knowledge, that has an incredible impact on the community, but to see that boundries are wherever I put them and that teamwork is the key to advance, I have foun a great team in PACE, but more than that, a family. I'm here because I'm proud of belonging to the PACE family.
¿Why I am in PACE CORE? To keep growing and contribute to make the company grow even more. To me, PACE CORE members are a new generation of proactive students, agents of social transformation, that good leaded can transform peoples lives, no only when helpíng a women to deliver a baby, or while treating a person with cardiac arrest, but when teaching others in medical emergencies management we become indirect responsible for the lives that they save, now, I imagine a chain where we don´t only teach providers but other instructors too, instructors that will be capable of spread the information, that changes lives, and I want to be part of that, I'm here to contribute with the PACE projects development, projects where I grow, but most importantly, the Community wins.
Jesus Noguez Vega